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Viddy Award


March 22, 2024

Medfluence Advisors Honored as 2023 Gold Viddy Award Winner for Innovative Marketing Video

[Greenwood Village, CO] – Medfluence Advisors, a leading Healthcare Strategic Consulting firm, is proud to announce that their video, “Breathe Free/The Pronunciation,” has been recognized as a Gold Viddy Award winner. With over 7.2 million views on YouTube, the video has captivated and engaged a vast online audience, earning accolades for its creativity and impact.

“We aimed to create a captivating video campaign that not only engaged and raised awareness among over 30 million sinusitis sufferers but also tailored it to each local practice, establishing a strong local connection,” said Nicholas Binge, executive director of the series and founder of Medfluence. “The remarkable response and recognition we have received further validate our relentless efforts in delivering impactful marketing campaigns.”

The Viddy Awards, formerly known as the Videographer Awards, is one of the most coveted awards in the video industry. Administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), the Viddy Awards celebrates outstanding achievement in video and digital production skills. The 2023 international awards competition received over 2,500 entries from throughout the United States, Canada, and 22 other countries.

The goal of the Viddy Awards is to identify and recognize video artisans who excel in the scope of their own environment. Winners range from network news operations to local cable access, from large production companies to freelancers, and from international advertising agencies to student producers. The Platinum and Gold Awards are granted for projects that the judges deem to exceed industry standards and are produced in an exceptional manner.

“We are honored to be recognized for our commitment to developing impactful marketing material that resonates with audiences and drives positive action,” added Binge.

The award-winning video, “Breathe Free/The Pronunciation,” showcases Medfluence Advisors’ expertise in crafting compelling narratives that educate, inspire, and foster greater understanding of healthcare challenges and solutions.

Medfluence Advisors specializes in providing strategic consulting services to healthcare organizations, offering tailored solutions to address the complex and evolving landscape of the healthcare industry. Through their innovative strategies, they empower clients to navigate challenges and achieve sustainable growth.

For more information about Medfluence Advisors and their award-winning services, please visit their official website at

About Medfluence Advisors

Medfluence Advisors is a prominent Healthcare Strategic Consulting firm that partners with healthcare organizations to drive transformative change. With a team of industry experts and creative visionaries, Medfluence Advisors offers strategic guidance, operational support, and customized solutions to help clients thrive in the ever-changing healthcare landscape.


Greg Caesar

Senior Business Development Director

Medfluence Advisors


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